Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tribute to Andrew and Johanna on their Wedding Day ~ May 18, 2012

Born on Aug 24, 1988; the exact date he was due! His birth was not as normal as anticipated...he came into the world upside down! The stress of his birth created some anxiety when he didn't start breathing on his own, and his little blue body was whisked away for some special care by the doctors and nurses, but our God was gracious and Drew was soon welcomed by his overjoyed and thankful parents and family.

Drew was always an easy, happy baby, very content to sit and play for hours. His playpen became his favorite corner..... We would leave one side down and he would crawl in and amuse himself or just simply fall asleep!

Did I say crawl? Um yes... That's what he did, as a matter of fact that's all he did until he was 18 months old! Then he finally decided to try out his legs.

As a matter of fact he was into encyclopedias before he started walking... And as he grew up he used our encyclopedias as entertainment for hours at a time. Many a morning he'd be sitting in the hall outside our bedroom door with an encyclopedia open on his lap. And they were always with him in the bathroom, he'd read them every time he'd sit on the toilet!
Drew, I'd love to pass those books on to you, I just don't want to pay for shipping!

At 3 years old he showed some interest in our computer. His Dad bought him a game for the computer, which consisted of a floppy disk that had to be put into disk drive. Then it had to be prompted by several DOS commands, c:\, and then typing the name of the game. His dad bought the game the night before and Drew had only seen him start it one time. Next morning he asked his Mom to start up his new game, but Mom couldn't figure it out. She went  back to her vacuuming and when she turned around, he had figured it out all by himself, after seeing his Dad do it only once.

Well, as you can all see, Drew has grown up to be a fine young man, who we are very proud of! We have watched how God has directed his ambitions and desires in a way of service to the Lord. Drew, we appreciate your sincere desire to be walking as the Lord teaches us to do in His Word. We have seen your integrity and humility,  from the way you chose your friends, to your work ethics and the activities you chose to be engaged in. We are thankful for your love for the church, and the years you helped our home church by running the sound system and assisting in the sermonaudio distribution.

We knew that Drew was praying for a special girl to become his wife... He was not interested in just any girl. And in Gods remarkable providence that girl was the one and only Johanna de Haan! We do regret that this means your future life will most likely be spent in Ontario, and wish you could be much closer. But we know that the God you both love, is everywhere and He will never leave you or forsake you if you cleave to Him and commit your life in His Hands.

On this day our thoughts go back to April 5, the day that you were in Calgary and in Gods divine providence, you were able to visit Opa Slingerland on his deathbed... Your Opa was also praying for both of you and rejoicing in your future together, he rejoiced in God's choice for your wife, but he knew he would not physically be here.

We want to welcome Johanna into our family; thank you Johanna, for taking on this responsibility of becoming Drew's helpmeet! We're very happy that Drew probably won't have to eat Sidekicks 4 or 5 times a week anymore!
May God bless you both, and may you have many safe journeys to the West Coast! We love you!

Dad, Mom, and all your brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews of the Den Hertog clan!

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