Monday, July 4, 2011


Lianne loves to play with dolls 
Our precious baby grand-daughter, Lianne, turned 2 today! We got up a little earlier this morning so that we could Skype as soon as we were done breakfast, and sure enough, there she was waiting to say Hi to Grandpa and Grandma. We are told that she loves to see us on the monitor and it's so adorable to hear her calling out to us. She is so sweet... our only dark haired, brown eyed little doll!
It's so hard to believe that she's already had 2 birthdays... and it's left me feeling rather melancholy all day today, just thinking of all the birthdays we have already missed and will likely miss in the future. That thought added to the news I heard last week of another grandma, wife and mother that I knew when I was growing up in Alberta who passed away last sunday, suddenly and unexpectedly at only 56 years old makes me realize how precious each day is. How we need to be focused on what is most important and how much I need to make the most of each day, each hour, each moment. It makes me realize how blessed I am and how much I have to be thankful for. There is no place or time to be feeling sorry for myself... God has given me all these wonderful, loving children and grandchildren that mean the world to me.

Those story times were so precious...

Lianne and Grandpa - she LOVES him!
God bless you, little Lianne! We love you SO much, and wish we could spend a LOT more time with you!!!!